How To: Convert Any HTC One into a Stock Google Play Edition with Bootloader, Recovery, & OTA Updates

Convert Any HTC One into a Stock Google Play Edition with Bootloader, Recovery, & OTA Updates

We've gotten pretty close to a Google Experience before, and even played around with the actual Google Play Edition build. However, the devs over at XDA have a much better solution: actually converting your HTC One into a complete factory-fresh Google Play Edition.

Since most of the hardware is the same, it requires only modifying the software. But, if you've never done anything like this before, I'm going to lay it all out for you below.

Prerequisite: S-OFF

Before you begin installing the bootloader and recovery, you'll need to make sure your HTC One is set to S-OFF. Check out my last tutorial for instructions on doing so using Moonshine. If you used a different method to get S-OFF before in the past, you can still read through the prep steps.

Step 1: Download the Full RUU Zip

Download the full Rom Update Utility (RUU) using this link onto your computer. If it's not working, you can also check the XDA thread for updated download links.

Put this file in your SDK tools directory.

Step 2: Back Up Your SD Card

Just a warning before we continue. Proceeding with this process will wipe everything from your HTC One, including your SD card data, so make sure you back up your SD card before continuing.

Step 3: Change Your Model ID (if Necessary)

Edit: Changing your MID is actually not necessary, even if you have a different Model ID. I'll leave this here just in case you want to check, and because we still need to connect our phone and open a command prompt.

Plug your phone into your computer, open a command prompt, and reboot to the bootloader manually or by using the command adb reboot bootloader.

Navigate to your SDK tools directory.

Once your phone is connected (it should say FASTBOOT USB on the screen), check the model ID. The command is fastboot getvar modelid. If it model ID doesn't match ours (PN0712000), you'll need to change it.

Shadowboy23 has a really good guide over on XDA for doing this, but keep a look out for a future softModder tutorial. It's pretty easy, but a lengthy process, and I wanted to get this GPE guide out first since so many people have been asking for it.

Step 4: Change Your Cell ID

Finally, you can change your Cell ID (CID) to the Google Play Edition's. Use fatboot oem readcid to check it and fastboot oem writecid GOOGL001 to change it.

You can change it back to the stock CID (CWS_001) using this method, as well.

Step 5: Flash the RUU

Now that your bootloader thinks it's a Google Play Edition device, you can flash the RUU from that phone. Put it in the correct mode to accept the update using fastboot oem rebootRUU.

Then, flash the RUU with the command fastboot flash zip filename where "filename" is the name of the downloaded zip file.

As you can see, you may have to send that last command twice before it will work. Let it run, and when it's finished, it will boot into the new Google Play Edition bootloader. Use your volume keys to select RECOVERY and press Power.

And That's It!

You'll see the Google splash screen and Google Play Edition boot animation, and you'll have a fully stock Google Play Edition HTC One with over the air (OTA) updates.

Make sure you watch the video for a complete walkthrough of these steps, and if you have any questions on this process, please post them below and I'll see if I can help you out.

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Can I use your Rom Update Utility (RUU) for any htc one device? I have a unlocked device Europe?

You'll have to check the MID (Model ID). If it matches PN0712000 then you should be good to use this one. Otherwise you'll have to change it.

Thks for the reply. One more question I will follow this guide/tutorial but first I have to follow you firsts guide I think the order is: first unlock the bootloader and root, get s-off and finally this guide? is this right???

Other question plz... After this process can I still install a sense custom rom like Android Revolution HD or Venom or I will be stuck with google stock??

Thks in advance for your great work

Yes to all but the last. You will have to root and install a custom recovery, which defeats the purpose of this guide, since you can install Google Play Edition ROMs on any rooted (GSM) HTC One.

Will this work for HTC ONE's on Sprint?

Unfortunately, it will not work with Sprint versions. Sorry.

Thank you for the wonderful guide. I was able to install stock Google 4.2.3 on my phone. My question is: So far my phone hasn't received 4.3 update and I'm wondering if this is normal? The phone is working great, but the fact that I'm not receiving the update makes me wonder if I did something wrong?

Don't think 4.3 for HTC One is out yet...this should work when updates come around

As of yesterday, HTC started rolling out the update.

I have an AT&T One that was converted using this method. I wasn't able to upgrade until I tried this,

Step 1: Put your handset in Airplane mode.

Step 2: Go to Settings on your device and go to Apps.

Step 3: Swipe to All and scroll down and locate Google Services Framework, tap it.

Step 4: Tap on Force Stop, and then tap Clear data and Clear cache.

Step 5: Go back, turn on Wi-Fi (with Airplane mode still on) and connect to your Wi-Fi network. And in Settings, scroll down to About and then tap on System updates. Now tap on Check now.

Step 6: You should see the Android 4.3 update on the screen. Simply install.

Source: redmondpie

Thanks!!! I would never have figured this out without your tips. I was wondering why no OTA updates had reached my phone. Now 4.3 is installing as I type.

Thanks for sharing this!

Will it work with an att HTC one and once I do it will it work with att

I used an AT&T HTC One in my guide. It'll work.

Can you add a section on how to go back to stock after performing the steps here? Thanks.

That would be very useful

+1 I'm waiting until I'm confident I can get it back to the HTC Stock ROM with warranty in tact before I do anything.

It's the same process, but you have to put the ATT CID we started with and flash the ATT RUU. This is a good idea for a tutorial.

I'm trying to get everything prepared in a folder so if I was to want to go back to stock I can just go to that folder and have everything ready. The trouble is I can't find a stock RUU zip for my software version (1.29.401.16). How do I know which other versions I can use that is compatible? I have an unlocked international HTC One.

+1 I'd definitely like a tutorial for this. I've just got a One after having two Nexus devices so would like to fiddle with the Play edition ROM whilst knowing I can revert should I need to.

I am having an issue with the last step where I am supposed to flash the RUU. I've followed all the steps before and when I type in "fastboot flash zip filename" I get this message "unable to load filename unknown error". Please help me figure out what this means! Any help would be much appreciated :D

the 'filename' is supposed to be replaced with the name of the file you are flashing

Yes I did replace 'file name' with the actual file name. Just didn't write it down here sorry!

Figured out the problem! I simply forgot to add ".zip" at the end of the file name! Thank you for the great tutorial!

Glad you got it figured out!

I followed these steps and the process was fairly simple. However I am running into an using during the fastboot flash zip command. When I run this I just get "waiting for device". I already unlocked the bootloader and used moonshine to s-off. I also ensured that I ran the oem rebootRUU command. Any thoughts?

I figured this out. For whatever reason the phone appeared to be waiting for me to hard boot it. I finished the process successfully after this completing this.

Sometimes hiccups like these happen. These methods are generally safe enough that you can reset manually and try again if it didn't work.

I'm a long-time iOS user who is making the leap to Android very soon. My plan is to signup for a subsidized HTC One for Verizon, and then use this guide to turn it into a Google Edition phone. Are there any gotchas that I'm going to come across?

Sure, there's one big one. This won't work for Verizon! It only works on GSM models. Sorry.

So as of now, there's no way this method will work for Verizon?
And the only way for me to get stock google rom is by rooting and flashing?

I also got a problem at last stage....
This is the error I get...anyone can help me please...

C:\sdk-tools\sdk-tools>fastboot flash zip
sending 'zip' (438678 KB)...
OKAY 21.248s
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) zip header checking...rr
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
FAILED (remote: 24 parsing android-info fail)
finished. total time: 28.087s

And now my phone wirelss and camera does not function...and cant use as USB i need to update..please help
And yes, it is S'OFF plus of the modelid as mentioned here...
I am having AT&T HTC One...but I use it on another network not AT&T

Just try to flash the RUU again. That's normal if you watch my video. If that doesn't work, start over.

Trying. Flashing over and over and over and over and over. All I get is failed. Failed failed failed. Something more is wrong.

Hi! It can be used on a HTC ONE international unlocked version? which version of moonshine should I use?
Thank you!

It doesn't look like it's supported. You can use the S-OFF method in my upcoming Google Play Edition S-OFF tutorial. If you can't wait, try this.

It isnt a GP edition, it´s a the normal vesion but factory unlocked.
There isnt a moonshine to its version? :(

There is a different version of Moonshine for each device. They don't have the unlocked Euro version. You can check

This is a great tutorial and worked like a charm. The only thing is I haven't received the 4.3 OTA update yet. It's been about 12 hours since I installed the RUU. Is that normal or did I goof something.

I tried the airplane mode workaround a few times but no luck.

Nevemind. Just forced the airplane mode trick enough times and got it to go.


What's the airplane mode trick?


The install went well for me, but my LTE does not seem to be working. Any ideas?

Got the 4.3 update, now i am getting LTE. Sweet!!

Has anyone made s-off on a stock unrooted factory unlocked HTC ONE?

Im getting this error when I try to flash the RUU.

sending 'zip' (467625 KB)...
OKAY 21.370s
writing 'zip'...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 21.420s


Sounds like your the method isn't getting some kind of access. Try rooting. You have S-OFF correct?

Hi Victor

I am getting the same error message as above however I do have my S-OFF. Any ideas as to what I can try next. Thank you in advance

platform-tools>fastboot flash zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' (467625 KB)...
OKAY 17.735s
writing 'zip'...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 17.770s

Please disregard my previous message.... I figured it out and got it converted. Cheers

how did you fix this. i'm getting the same error

this is how i fixed this error:

Fastboot oem lock

Then put in ruu mode

Fastboot oem rebootRUU

And then flash the firmware

Fastboot flash zip

Thank you so much for posting this. I was having the same error and your post help me fix it!!! Thanks again!!!

I would just add to get out of the flash once its done writing i had to

fastboot reboot

I have no idea what this means or how it helped you because it doesn't make sense. I just keep getting failed failed failed, and I'm sick of typing the name of the RUU file.

Aaaand? Leave us hanging here? What did you do?

Great guide, the only struggle i had was changing the Model ID, and then being a little impatient.

However i would add that when i didnt have the modelID matching the one listed above i could not install the ROM, so i would state that it is mandatory to match them.

I'm not sure you're correct about the Model ID not being neessary? FAILED (remote: 41 model id check fail)

Just making you aware I got a 4.3 GPE RUU and that worked without changing Model ID

So would this method work for a samsung galaxy s4 device

So I'm confused. Will this work on an non-carrier branded, unlocked Developer Edition HTC one?

Im looking for the same answer :( ...

This should work as long as you have S-OFF.

Thank you!
Do you know when you will make the guide to s-off unbranded/unlocked version?
I want so much my sense phone to be a gpe one!

Thank you again!

Fastboot keeps getting stuck at "waiting for device" when I try to flash the RUU file. This happens a lot on the first flash and so far every time on the second flash. Any ideas?

Sounds like you need to update your android SDK/Google USB drivers.

This all worked for me right up until the very last part. It appears to complete and gives the OKAY at the end, but it doesn't reboot. It just stays sitting on the HTC progress bar screen. Anyone else had this happen and figure out how to get past it?

Nevermind. Over on the XDA thread it says the last step is to issue the fastboot reboot command and there is no mention of running recovery from the bootloader. Seems maybe the process has changed a little.

So here is my silly question. I have a T-Mobile USA HTC One. I'd love to try this method but I am concerned the RUU will flash a different radio to my phone, making it impossible for me to get 4G in my local area. Anyone know it that is the case? If so, is it possible to flash the radio back after installing the Google Nexus RUU?

That would be difficult. You might be able to but it would require unlocking and root, which means you wouldn't get updates. It kind of defeats the purpose of this guide.

Any one having any issues with push notifications, im not getting any basically.


Is it possible to root the Google Play Edition HTC One without unlocking the boot loader?

Thank you

It might be, but I haven't seen a method for it yet. Sorry.

I can´t make s-off to my phone :(, i already tried the moonshine method
Please some one could help me?
I have a unbranded/unlocked version of HTC ONE

Thank you

Try revone. From There is a thread on xda about it.

What I want it do if possible is to root my Google Play Edition HTC One and still get the OTA updates. I am not concerned with having a custom recovery. I just want root. If that is possible.

Thank you

Don't think that is possible at this time.

how do i get my phone back to att stock after having this?

OMG!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!

Please add to your howto at the end of flasing the command "fastboot reboot" because my phone didnt restarted alone.

Thank you very much, this is all i wanted!!

Hey I'm having a lot of trouble and I have no idea what I"m doing wrong. As far as I know I'm following all directions to the t. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I read it all watched the video. I can't figure it out. I get all the way to running moonshine and it doesn't find adb. And when I do adb devices in cmd it doen't see my phone either. And its connected and said it downloaded its drivers and everything. Been sitting here for a couple hours going over and over this and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I even went to another persons link and tried their way and it wouldn't work either.

Check out my Android SDK guide. Most likely your Google USB version is out of date, or your SDK is not set up correctly. Easiest way is what it do: transfer any downloads to your SDK directory.

Also, when I was doing the variable paths the first one wasnt there i just clicked edit and made it myself but I realized later that I prolly messed something up by changing what was there to the path and c:\sdk-tools. So I think that started the problem.

You're supposed to add it yourself, just make sure it matches the directory you chose when you installed the SDK.

Would this method work with a norwegian (european model) model? Do i need to change model id etc? Will i recieve android 4.3? If so, will LTE, GSM and other stuff work as normal? Norwegian language is probably not supported, but will Google play store work?

Thanks in advance.

The newer 4.3 RUU will work on any GSM model without changing MID. You just need to change the CID. Everything works as if it were a real Google Play Edition phone.

Great tutorial!

Have been looking forward to do it, however, one big problem... I received OTA for 4.2.2 for stock HTC Sense, so now i am on 1.54 HBoot and as i understand there is absolutely no way to S-Off such htc one currently.

So Sad... What if they never find a way to S-off 1.54 HBoot?

They will, but for now all we can do is wait.

Great Walktrough! It works! The part from Shadowbow23 was hard, didn´t read it correct, but i got it! Just recieved the OTA for 4.3.

Tnx a lot!

I have followed all the steps and now my HTC one became HTC one GE, however when I have received and updated 4.3 OTA, I'm facing battery drain issue by "Android System" process. Its continues consume 65-70% battery even in ideal condition. Any solution?

Not at this time, I haven't gotten the issue. I would just try to flash it again.

Did flashing it again help? Coz I'm sitting with the same issue. Only I'm on Kit Kat

I am unable to flash the file this is what I keep getting

C:\sdk-tools>fastboot flash zip error: cannot load '': Unknown error

What am I doing wrong?

Never mind I got it to work. Thank you so much this is awesome.

i have the same problem, what did u do?

I get wrong modelid error so I guess I need to change it. Where can I find tutorial for this ?

Use the newer version of the RUU and you don't have to worry about modelid.

Great tutorial, worked for me with no problems. Now I would like to go back to S-ON and be totally done. Do you know of any way to do that? I don't think Revone will work with my version of hboot. Thanks again for your great tutorials.

Nevermind, after reading some more info I guess its best just to remain S-OFF.


I tried changing cid but keeps hanging, doesnt change any thing
and i have to hard reset
any ideas?

ummm, when flashing the ruu, will this erase everything, root, custom recovery and all, cause that would be awesome! anyone?

yup, in my case it was like starting over with a brand new phone. only thing that remains is s-off.

would this work the verzion network?? the phone came out yesterday and i want to know

I have completed this process flawlessly and I got an AT&T HTC One. After changing it to the GPE and it has been updated to 4.3 weeks ago. I am just wondering is my phone unlocked and able to use on other carriers?

Hello, I completed this process without any issue on my AT&T 32gb HTC One, I have a question. How can I update my Radio to the recent AT&T updated radios that was pushed to the stock HTC one? any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is an amazing thread on converting HTC ONE into a Google Edition version. Will this also work on HTC ONE dual SIM version ()? I would like to apply the steps above today into my new HTC one dual sim but would like to know if after the upgrade, will dual sim facility will work after the update.

Hello everyone...I am seriously considering this conversion on my AT&T One but have a quick couple of questions for the group before I do so. First and most importantly, how is battery life compared to the Sense version? And second, I know some camera features are lost (Zoe`s and Highlights, ect.) but how are pictures turning out with the stock camera software? Any insight is greatly appreciated before I make the conversion. BTW, my previous phone was a Nexus 4 post 4.3 update so I know what to expect as far as stock Android goes. Thanks for the information.

Everything is better beside the camera.

So i just want to clarify.. 1. This will work with my T-Mobile HTC One?

  1. This will allow me to flash ROMs made for the GPE version with no harm done to my phone?
  2. Everything can be reversed in order to become stock just in case my phone breaks?

A reply would be greatly appreciated.

I have an HTC One S from T-Mobile (US). It's not the newest model- about a year old (Ville).

Will this ROM work on it? If so, is there anything that won't work?

Thanks in advance.

I don't think that would be a good idea, try and search for your phone and there will be a plethora of things to choose from.

I have HTC one from T-mobile. Its unlocked and I am using it on Fido network in Canada. I am really interested in the process. I am all prepared for S-OFF but in the variable part I dont see path in user's variable. Most guides requires you to unlock the bootloader and root your phone, this guide does not require such things. Please let me know if rooting is necessary prior to start this guide. Thanks.

my modelid is PN0713000. do i need to change this to convert? the guide said if necessary, but a few steps later it says i will need to change it if it doesnt match PN0712000.

Okay, I did everything up to this tutorial right, BUT, now i'm getting an error: device not found and I can't connect to wifi. Anyone know what's going on?

I tried to change the cid and it says:
"the project doesn't support sd card"
and then "FAILED"...
do you know why is that?
btw what happened to moonshine? I can't get into their website, and I can't find some mirror to moonshine.

has anyone been able to do this with 3.22.631.1? I cant figure out to get s-off with the version

Neither can I. I have the same version as you but can't get a version of Moonshine that will work for us. Apparently we might be able to downgrade the firmware using RevONE but this seems to be out of my scope of knowledge. Have you been able to figure this out?

Anyone else have issues with the camera focusing after doing this? Any solution? Also, any update on a guide to go back to stock?

My AT&T HTC One was carrier locked when I did this. Curious, does this remove the SIM/carrier lock?

I would like to use a visitor SIM card when I go abroad this winter, but I don't know if I'll still need an unlock code or not.


Has anyone tried this on the HTC J One yet? Just wondering...

Hello Guys, I'm having problems changing the device cell id, it gives a error saying too many links and it doesn't support sd card. I have a international at&t phone. I've done all steps until step 4. Can someone give me a hand? Thanks.

Thought the international didn't have a SD Card slot. Thought it was only the HTC J One for China and Japan.

I just have a question. I was successful at flashing goolge play edition however I am getting the same problem as VIPRESH SHARM with the improper battery display. I flashed the RUU several times all the with same results. Does anyone else have this problem?

So i have been trying this for weeks now and when i do the fastboot flash zip i get failed remote 24 parsing error android -info fail and i tried typing it in again and it just wont work so idk what to do

Where is this guide does it say how to make an image of the phone in the current state before flashing so that I can reflash with the old image for any reason?

Aaa so close I'm s-off and am using the corect cid,mid, directory and everything but keep getting this error when trying to flash the ruu:

C:\android-sdk>fastboot flash zip
sending 'zip' (467625 KB)...
OKAY 21.341s
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) zip info parsing...
(bootloader) checking model ID...
FAILED (remote: 41 model id check fail)
finished. total time: 21.758s

my computer turned off before i could push it again and now the fastboot doesn't work. can anyone help?

My WiFi signal strength dropped drastically on this ROM!! The stock HTC ROM had amazing signal reception. I'm on a Dev Edition.

Try going into settings>WiFi>Advanced and check off "Wi-Fi optimization" it made things better for me

Hey you have a guide to restoring to stock HTC One Developer ROM? I downloaded the RUU but it either crashes or tells me I need the correct ROM. I suspect its the CID. I tried three diff kind... "11111111" "CWS_001" and "BS_US001"

Any ideas?

I am so tempted to try this out. However, I have a canadian version of the HTC One on Telus. That being said, my phone version is still m7ul. I was wondering if this conversion will work for me. Thanks!

Does anyone know what networks this baseband supports? Will it support LTE Band 3/LTE 1800MHz? I have an unlocked international version of the HTC One (MLU). Help would be very much appreciated.

Will this ever work for the Sprint Version.... Cause its hard to deal with the Sprint HTC One.... Can load any normal HTC One Roms..... Have to install only the Sprint Htc One Roms..... My Sprint HTC One is Unlocked, but still cant install the Int version Roms....

Will I be able to Install the Nexus Edition???
Thanks in Advance..!!!

I have a T-Mobile HTC ONE. Havent altered it since i got it. Do i need to do anything before following these steps or will this bypass the bootloader entirely. Is there any other steps i have to do before even S-Off for this to work ?

With this rom has anyone received the 4.4 update yet?

I just did this last night and got the 4.4 update right away.

I was successful in the conversion and installing the rom, but now - it boots up successfully, but it doesn't detect my WiFi...any ideas?

After the conversion, can I install custom recovery like CWM or TWRP?

Tip one - Enable SuperSU to work without prompts - give it full on access

Tip two - Use - The moonshine doesnt work well on newer ROMS/BootLoader Versions

Tip 3 - If you get "FAILED (remote: 41 model id check fail)" just open android.txt file in the RUU zip and change it to your MID (You can find your MID by typing:

fastboot getvar modelid

Then rezip with the .txt change

took me 4hours 50mins to go from start to finish to find these tips for you guys

Thank you so much, this saved me so much messing around. I am now running my HTC One on GPE Kitkat 4.4.2 :) Thanks for the tips so much!!! I had spent over eight hours trying to fix this cause my friend practically broke my phone 4 months ago and I finallly fixed it thank you <3


I have done this and everything works well, I wanted to beat the OTA update to 4.4 and manually side load the update.......

However through the sdk after running adb reboot bootloader, i'm expecting to see an option to apply update from ADB BUT its not there? Has anyone figured this out?

I like tinkering with my phone, but the main reasons I root are to get rid of carrier bloatware and faster updates. This gets me both of those with the stable stock rom. I am on 4.4 and running the google experience launcher. This tutorial is great

I have an HTC One 801s (SEA version). If I followed this guide will I be able to convert my HTC one to GE edition? and receive OTA updates as soon as they are out? (because SE the SE variants normally get updates months after the initial release) Oh and will my LTE still work? (since our LTE bands here are different from yours there). Thanks!

I have HTC one with 2 SIM
In Chinese language l want ruu file or any way to change this language to English

Hi Victor

I followed your guide using the Pre Rooted 4.4 RUU Zip from the XDA thread linked. I see that with my battery stats Android is using about 50 - 65% of the battery. Should I try reflashing with the same RUU or use the non rooted version? Or is this still a known issue coz my battery life is very bad after the installation.

According to that post on xda this method ids not for cdma. It's only for use on gsm phones.

Hi Victor and other gurus,

I can successfully get to this step:

"Let it run, and when it's finished, it will boot into the new Google Play Edition bootloader. Use your volume keys to select RECOVERY and press Power."

But from here I get a healthy for a while and then dead android guy with an exclamation point. The phone appears to boot into the Google Play Edition without any problems but I am concerned everything may not be complete.

Any help you or anyone else can provide would be appreciated!

Hi ,

I have gotten as far as step 5, but I am not certain how to proceed.

In your guide, it is stating that i need to put it in the correct mode on the phone to accept the update using fastboot oem rebootRUU.

I currently have CyanogenMod 10.2 installed. What would be the correct mode for me to put my phone into?

Thank you in advance for your help.



ive done everything until step five, when i do "fastboot flash zip RUU-HTCOneGE-4.4-3.58.1700.5" it says "error: cannot open RUU-HTCOneGE-4.4-3.58.1700.5." ive tried putting .zip at the end. please help!

I followed each step as stated above and now I am running Google play edition Kit Kat 4.4 successfully for about 20days now on my HTC ONE GSM. HTC One and google released another update 2 days ago with some minor changes with the new OTA 4.4.2 update. When I try to install this OTA my phone restarts into Clockwork recovery and the update fails there. I think its because i dont have the stock recovery install. Please help me with the stock recovery thing here. How do i get it? and I also lost my root access during the process. :(

The steps above are supposed to get you out of custom recovery and back to stock. An OTA won't work with a custom recovery. Something must not have gone as intended in the process - perhaps try the steps above again. After this process you should have out of the box, unrooted stock android. You can pursue root again after this, but again, no OTAs with custom recoveries. I only root to get rid of carrier bloat and fast updates. With this, I have both and don't feel the need to root. I got my OTA on Wednesday. Installed with no problem and I now have 4.4.2

I can't get the 2nd flash of the RUU to working. My computer no longer detects the device and any commands in cmd are met with a "waiting for device" msg. Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks.

Are you in a position to unplug the phone? Switch usb ports, that sometimes does it. You may need to reboot your pc. I don't know enough to tell you why it's happening, I just know it happens all the time with my laptop and a reboot always fixes it.

Just had this problem myself, and disconnecting/reconnecting usb, rebooting laptop and phone did not work. In the end, my Macbook saved the day and was able to complete both steps seamlessly. Not necessarily are viable workaround, but it worked!

Thank you Mark, You were of great help. Now that i have successfully installed KitKat 4.4.2 with the above steps, My phone's battery wont last for more than 6 hours of normal use. To figure out what was wrong with the phone i went to check the battery usage and found that the Android System was using 72% of the battery when the phone was on ideal mode. I mean that's huge. Any solution on this?

This is the current error Im getting C:\adt-bundle-windows-x8664-20131030\sdk\platform-tools>fastboot flash zip RUU-
error: cannot open 'RUU-HTC'
Any help?

will this work with the verizon htc one

Hi recently installed GPE RUU every thing OK but now can't unlock bootlo
ader & root the divice. Please need help.
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Dec 9 2013, 00:38:19.0

And received this message
C:\Program Files\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) PGERROR htcpgparttraverse(839):
(bootloader) invalid traverse range
(bootloader) PG
ERROR htcpgpartread(1029):
(bootloader) htcpgparttraverse failed
(bootloader) DISPLAYERR spcustom partition: unlockdispbuf.imgbuf r
(bootloader) ead error!
(bootloader) DISPLAY
ERR Can not load custom splash!
(bootloader) Loading custom splash failed!
OKAY 0.563s
finished. total time: 0.568s
Thanks for your help and Merry Christmas for all of you

Hi recently installed GPE RUU every thing OK but now can't unlock bootlo
ader & root the divice. Please need help.
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Dec 9 2013, 00:38:19.0

And received this message
C:\Program Files\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) PGERROR htcpgparttraverse(839):
(bootloader) invalid traverse range
(bootloader) PG
ERROR htcpgpartread(1029):
(bootloader) htcpgparttraverse failed
(bootloader) DISPLAYERR spcustom partition: unlockdispbuf.imgbuf r
(bootloader) ead error!
(bootloader) DISPLAY
ERR Can not load custom splash!
(bootloader) Loading custom splash failed!
OKAY 0.563s
finished. total time: 0.568s
Thanks for your help and Merry Christmas for all of you

Can his tuto work on HTC one 802w ?please I need an answer

The only figure it out if try it ur self

Please this post/guide DOES NOT WORK for the HTC One 802W. Apparently this is because the 802W is a Dual-SIM Model. I sincerely hope that the OP of this post will have the decency to change the topic so as not to further mislead any potential visitors to this post. I have basically ruined my phone and am battling the high heavens trying to get the phone back to some sort of functioning state. :(

It was all fine for me uptil i wan to change the mid then it all went downhill...

it got stuck in the bootloader. When i try to click on options it will go to the HTC logo and then back into the bootloader. I have tried to do a factory reset but the same thing is happening. When at the bootloader menu it says:

HBOOT-1.39.2000 (PN0714000)
Nov 29 2012, 15:15:55: -1


<VOL UP> to previous item
<VOL DOWN> to next item
<POWER> to select item


When i try to select bootloader it takes me to a screen with different options:


<VOL UP> to previous item
<VOL DOWN> to next item
<POWER> to select item


when i connect it to a pc,my pc wont recognize it.using the adb devices to look for my device wont show up anything.What can i do?

I am stuck at the last step, Flashing RUU , the first flash went as per instructions but for the second flash my computer is no longer recognizing my phone. My phone is recognized when it is booted but not recognized in fastboot/bootloader screen. Can someone please help me to continue.

Please help me :(
I'v try so many times, but always i get:

C:\mini-sdk>fastboot flash zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' (473989 KB)...
OKAY 19.209s
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) zip header checking...
(bootloader) shift signaturesize for header checking...
FAILED (remote: 32 header error)
finished. total time: 19.412s

Hi there, and thanks for such a great and detailed guide, Victor, even while it does little helping me personally. I am putting perhaps a strange question out here, if anyone is able to or willing to, perform this rooting and GPE RUU for me. I refer had to sell my computer for unexpected surgical expenses so have no do this, and for unknown reasons my USB on the phone will no longer mount, so doing anything without a computer is impossible. I'm inLong Beach, CA (just south of L.A.), abd will cover shipping both ways of course and should you require any fees, am open to discuss such. I can be reached at jjfarren at outlook dot com if you may have any ideas if you have successfully done this.

I have an unlocked HTC One with TMobile (PN07130).

Thanks in advance.

Hey, I have done everything thing that is required except for turning s-on to s-off. I have tried using moonshine, rumrunner and revone and nothing seems to work. I have a the hboot 1.55, any sugestions??

Hi I'm always getting this error:
I:\CTH\sdk\fastboot flash zip
target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
sending 'zip' <467625 KB>...
writing 'zip'...
<bootloader> zip heaader checking...
<bootloader> zip info parsing...
<bootloader> checking model ID...
Failed <remote: 41 model id check fail>
finished. total time: 16.360s
I have the correct cid, model id, S-off, etc.
Please help!

Hey I have successfully installed the google play edition but after that my super user icon gone. and it does not go in to twrp recovery. it gives error of dead android pic when i am selecting recovery. what to do... plz help

Sounds like you need to ref lash twrp or another custom recovery

Hi Victor,

This is by far the best guide for migrating to an official HTC One Google Play edition.

However, after installing the Google Play edition and upgrading to kitkat 4.4.2 my MTP usb connection and usb debugging is not working. I've tried installing the HTC drivers using the HTC sync manager and it is still not working.

When I connect my HTC One to my computer I get the error saying that the driver failed to install "HTC MTP Device Failed". I see the notification "usb connecting ..." but it just flashes and then goes away. From that point on the usb connection doesnt work unless I power off again.

I feel like I've tried everything and nothing seems to resolve the problem.

What suggestions do you have? Is there a way I can find out the exact reason the usb driver is failing? is there a trace?


Hi, I'm running KitKat on my M7 with S-Off. However I am stuck at the step 4 where I enter the command 'fastboot oem writecid GOOGL001'. i get the following error:


I am in Fastboot USB mode too. Any help would be great! thanks

Which Hboot version are you running? Are you using windows 8.1?

I heard they've already released 4.4.3 for GPe devices. But I checked and I still can't update mine. I used this tutorial to turn my M7 to a GPe device btw. Maybe I should still wait for that update?

I have a guide coming out soon that covers how to update to 4.4.3, but if you want you can use this OTA file and flash it in the stock GPE recovery.

I tried this method but after the first flash of the GE zip, my computer no longer recognizes my phone on fastboot, so i was unable to flash it again. Anyone else know how to re-enable fastboot? I already re-installed HTC drivers and android SDK. Help!

It didn't work, fastboot still not being detected.

Can you post a screenshot of the error and what commands you are entering.

once it reboots to fastboot, the phone stays on the HTC screen and doesn't load anything else. If i shut down and turn on directly to HBOOT or Fastboot screen, the computer doesn't detect my phone.

If you update ADB/fastboot with the tool I attached you will have ADB commands available system wide. Meaning you will no longer need to change the directory of cmd to the plat-form tools folder to run commands. Just open up a new cmd window and start using fastboot.

Hmm, i installed the tool and i still have to use android sdk to run commands.

I've an HTC one on EE UK
can i make my phone a GPE using the same technique you gave on this page???
plus where is the video of this guide???
I've never rooted my phone, ever
plz give me complete guide

Thanks for everything, one problem
I can't get the OTA updates using the airplane mode method..... I click check for updates and nothing happens
It says, last check on some particular date in 1970

1- i first unlocked the bootloader
2- then rooted the phone
3- used rumrunner for S-OFF
4-then the change of model id
5-then cell id
6- then flashed the RUU zip which i downloaded from the link you shared on this page.................

my play store is sort of not working right it just a server error or has to do something with the wrong procedure??

did i do it wrong???

Please forget my previous comments
Android 4.3 is now downloading
Will i also get android KitKat the same way?

Yup, just keep checking for updates.

  1. Will HTC One still have Beats Audio in the sound settings?
  2. Will it be necessary to run airplane mode method to get every update or just the first one? Will the updates be available at the same time as for 'google-play-edition' HTC One?
  3. Just in case, will it be possible to convert 'google-play-edition' android back to the HTC's factory android version (if so, how?)
  1. Beats Audio will still be installed.
  2. You can use this RUU to get you to 4.4.2 and as long as you have the Google CID you will receive updates like normal.
  3. This guide can show you how to revert back to stock.


Currently I cannot re-unlock my bootloader. I was successfully in unlocking my bootloader, rooting, s-off, changing the CID, and MID. When I went to flash the Google Play Edition RUU I ran into the problem "FAILED <remote: not allowed." I then proceeded to:

Fastboot oem lock
Fastboot oem rebootRUU
Fastboot flash zip
This ran for a couple of seconds and failed and it wanted me to try again immediately.
Again I ran those commands with no luck.

This did however change my bootloader screen. It was originally a White background with blue and red text. Now the back ground is black with the google android alien laying on its back with his front door open.

At the top of the screen it states * RELOCKED*
I cannot unlock the bootloader again because fastboot commands will not work. It just states "waiting for device"
When I look under devices in control panel it states "Unknown USB Device (Device Failed Enumeration)."
I am currently running ClockworMod Recovery v6.0.4.8 because I couldn't get firewater to work with my originally HBOOT.
My current settings are
0S- (2.14.1700.15)
eMMc-boot 2048MB
Jun 22 2013,03:43:23.0.

All the lettering is in green except OS- (2.14.1700.15) is in red. If someone could please assist me in finishing the flashing of the Google Play Edition it would be greatly appreciated. Again I cannot get any fastboot commands to work.

Thank you very much

Use this tool to update to the newest ADB and then restart your PC. After it restarts see if fastboot can read your device and if it can you can restart the process.

Unfortunately, that did not work. I also tried to re-install cyanogenmod because it suppose to unlock the bootloader automatically. I find it funny the bootloader states the OS (.14.1700.15) is in red. Furthermore under devices the phone still states "Unknown USB Device (Device Failed Enumeration), only when the bootloader is displayed on the phone. Is there a way I can push the GPE RUU into the phone and run it through the terminal emulator? Does the bootloader have to be unlock to run the RUU or just rooted and s-off? Thanks for any help, I would really appreciate it.

You can run any RUU as long as you are s-off. Are you familiar with flashing RUU.ZIPS?

I had converted my HTC One into a GPE device previously following these instructions. However, my charging broke, and when HTC returned my phone it was locked with T-mobile again.

I was able to locate a computer with windows 7 and I am now able to access fastboot.

Now the only problem is that when I try to flash the RUU I receive this error message:

target reported max download size of 1526722560 bytes
error: cannot load 'RUU-HTCOneGE-2.14.1700.15': No error

I tried to install twrp and received the same error message.

Phone is still s-off and rooted

sorry Andrew, helped when I put .zip at the end. Appreciate all your help

if I convert my HTC into a stock Google play edition, the 4G network will work without problems??

I am from Ecuador with the band 700/1700/2100

Best regards.

Yup, the radio should be compatible with your carrier.

heyy , thank you so much for this amazing tutorial , ive done it perfectly and im using an htc one m7 google play edition now for 4 months

and it was really unfortunate when i updated because ive lost the camera quality and not as the same as when i used sense back then , and now i want to change my phone back to sense and the old htc that i bought if you could show me i would appreciate it

I used this tutorial and it worked great. Been rocking the HTC one M7 GPE for about a year now. Want to factory reset before the big 5.0 update. Just want to make sure it will still be a GPE after the factory reset. Thanks.

Yup! It'll stay GPE as long as you don't run a Sense RUU.

I tried updating to 4.4.3 and the update seems to have brok. It didn't reboot and when I forced a reboot it was still in 4.4.2 but very slow and some graphical issues, so I reflashed the RUU and went back to 4.4.2.

At first I had TWRP installed and the update just crashed and nothing happened, but once I had flashed the stock recovery that comes with this RUU and updated it seemed to break.

I was wondering if flashing this recovery at 4.4.2 and missing the prior updates could have done it, or is there something else I should do to update to 4.4.3 ??

You need to use the recovery that comes with your Android version number. When applying an OTA you need to use the stock recovery and if you are rooted you need to get rid of any mods.

perfect, I got it working after by starting at 4.2 using this RUU and manually flashing the stock recovery it came with.

Any update on when 5.0 OTA will be out ? I haven't received a notification about it yet and im on 4.4.4.

It was supposed to come out last Friday, but there were some issues with the OTA, so it was held back and all that is known is that it will come out "soon".

Which apps are you trying to install?

I have the ATT HTC One. Do i still need to unlock the phone to use it with other carriers after converting?

will this method work with verizon yet

The Verizon model will never be able to convert to GPE. Your only option is to flash a GPE ROM.

Ive done this method and received all OTA updates to 4.4.4. I have been waiting for OTA update to lollipop, but have not received it. Does anyone know if it is out for OTA update yet?

Yeah, you should have received it by now. Have you changed your CID/MID?

yes mid=PN0712000 and cid=GOOGL001

In step 5, I got the error message as expected:

FAILED (remote: 90 hboot pre-update! please flush image again immediately)

However, upon reissuing the flash command, I got:

< waiting for device >

And the phone was no longer accessible to fastboot.

Now, when I reboot back into the bootloader, it seems to be damaged (all the values are green except the OS version, which is highlighted in red), and it's never accessible to fastboot.

If I reboot the phone normally, it seems to be fine and is accessible to adb. But the flash to Google Play Edition didn't take.

Suggestions on how to repair things and finish the flash? Without being able to connect over USB during fastboot, I'm paralyzed.

No, I used the original "". Is there a way for me to recover now that I'm unable to connect to the phone from my computer via fastboot?

Here is what the top of the bootloader screen shows:

OS-5.12.502.2 (2.14.1700.15)
eMMC-boot 2040MB
Jun 22 2013,03:43:23.0

Are you using a Windows or Mac? Are you using the latest version of adb/fastboot? If you are using a Windows PC try looking in your device manager to see if the M7 is listed as a device.

I'm using a Windows PC with the Android SDK revision 24.0.2.

The device manager shows the M7 listed as a device when it is attached via USB. However, when the phone is attached and in bootloader mode, it appears in the device manager with an error (properties show error code 10, indicating the device didn't "start" properly). There is no error, and ADB works fine, when the phone is attached and fully booted (i.e. not in bootloader mode).

Have you tried installing a driver manually? Under the list of available drivers you should see something under Google like adb device.

Not sure what you mean. Before performing the procedure here, I installed the HTC drivers by installing the HTC Sync Manager and then uninstalling the Sync Manager itself.

The phone showed up fine in device manager (with no errors) in both bootloader and fully-booted modes, and I was able to issue ADB and fastboot commands. But after getting halfway through step 5 in the procedure here, the phone connection stopped working (as described in my previous comments) when the phone is in bootloader mode.

I could try re-installing the HTC drivers.

However, I wonder if that will address the issue. Even when the phone isn't physically connected to the computer, there's an error in the bootloader. The bootloader comes up but shows the OS version in red, and there's an Android robot at the bottom that looks like he's about to get open heart surgery :-)

Thus it seems to problem is that the software/firmware on the phone was corrupted, not the driver on the computer.

What I was getting at is that you should uninstall the driver associated with your device and then reinstall it like this.

My wife returned today, so I was able to try the driver re-installation. I meticulously followed the instructions and ended up with the same results:

  1. When fully booted and connected to the computer via USB, the computer can issue ADB commands to it.
  2. When the phone is in bootloader mode, the OS version number is highlighted in red and there is an Android dude with his belly open.
  3. Connecting the phone to the computer via USB while the phone is in bootloader mode results in an error notification, and fastboot doesn't see any attached devices.
  4. In Device Manager (while the phone is connected to the computer via USB and in bootloader mode), an Android ADB Interface device shows with an exclamation point on it. Right-clicking Properties shows this error detail: "This device cannot start. (Code 10) A request for the USB BOS descriptor failed."

It seems the problem has nothing to do with the USB driver on the computer and everything to do with the state of the bootloader on the phone.

Further thoughts on how to repair the bootloader or diagnose the trouble I'm having?

You are using a USB 2.0 port and cable right?

Andrew, you asked exactly the right question, and thanks so much for your patience and help.

Earlier today, I was able to get everything to work. I did so by using a different computer to connect to the phone via USB.

I had been using my Surface Pro 3, which presumably has a USB 3.0 port. When I instead connected my Dell Precision M4300 laptop (presumably USB 2.0) to the phone, fastboot was able to recognize the phone in bootloader mode.

I restarted the procedure in this document from step five, and everything worked smoothly.

I had originally noticed that my Surface Pro 3 was working fine for issuing ADB and fastboot commands. It was only after getting half way through step five that Surface Pro 3 stopped connecting to the device while it was in bootloader mode.

I figured it couldn't be a USB version problem, since it was issuing commands over USB fine up to that point. Besides, I'm pretty sure I had tried from another computer with USB 2.0, and it hadn't worked, either.

Anyway, it worked from my Dell Precision M4300 laptop, and now I have Android 5.0.1 Google Play Edition running smoothly on my wife's HTC One (originally AT&T).

Thanks, Andrew.

My wife took the phone out of town until Saturday, but I'll try the driver re-installation as you suggest and then see what happens when I can connect the phone.

I hope it restores my ability to access the device when it's in bootloader mode despite the fact that the device appears to be "broken" in that mode.

I've managed to finish the tutorial. My HTC is now a GPE. Thank you.

However it seems like it is not updating OTA. The phone is S-Off. Any solution?

Thank you.

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