News: HTC Starts Rolling Out Update to Its Gallery App

HTC Starts Rolling Out Update to Its Gallery App

Thanks to HTC's new policy on updating their apps through Google Play, we can now get new features without having to wait for a full Sense OS update.

Today brought the introduction of a new UFocus tweak that allows you to adjust the amount of blur you want added to your photos, similar to Google's Lens Blur feature. In addition, all Sense 6 users will now be able to view Pan 360 and Dimension Plus photos. Start by updating your Gallery app directly from Google Play.

New UFocus Slide Bar

To use the new slider, all you have to do is take a photo, open the Gallery app, tap Edit, and hit Effects. From the edit menu, select UFocus, and now a slider will appear.

There's not much else to this update besides bug fixes and stability improvements, but if you come across anything, be sure to let us know in the comments!

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